Mon, 31 July- Wooleys + Stoney Pier, 12km
The sky was looking oh so yuk, so I wore my rain jacket also.
Headed out just after 2pm. It was raining softly for only a few minutes so I put the jacket around the hips. The pace started off easy then prob sat around the same as yesterdays for a couple of k's. No pain in shins. Was nicely cruising. Got to 7k mark and was considering stopping to do some stretches but kept going. By this stage my legs were feeling a little worn out. As I was nearing home I noticed my technique was becoming rather shonky. Legs were fatigued!
Finished in 70.06mins
Max HR 158-83%, Av 153-80%
Obviously yesterdays ridiculous hills took a bit out of me. Perhaps I should have taken an early turn today and run a shorter distance. Oh well. What's done is done.
Now I plan on stretching tonight as I really need it. Water intake is good too.
STU..... I haven't had chocky in almost (or just over) 2 weeks!! That's right! I have been well behaved lately and it hasn't even been hard. I was also very pleased to get a pair of jeans on that had recently been moved to the back of the
Forgot to add that i did some floor stuff too. ie. crunches, push ups etc. prob 15mins worth.
(Ones that know what I am talking about, no need to comment.)I cut all ties with a forbidden fruit that was becoming quite the over indulgence. All I need to do is stick to the bloody plan this time!
I am woman, hear me roar!!!!!