Crissy's Running

Saturday, September 30, 2006

sun 24-30 Sept. 21km week

Sun - Rest
Mon - 8km - Wooleys loop (new 2110's)50.04mins.M 167-87%,A 158-83%
Tues - 30min ex bike
Wed - 6.5km - Stoney Pier. 36.32mins. Max 168-88%, Av 155-81%
Thur - Rest
Fri - 6.5km - South Beach b.track. 40.28mins. Max 164-86%, Av 154-81%
Sat - Rest

Hmm... 3 rest days. I feel bad now looking at that.
I haven't done a new resting HR, not that it would matter much.
The times for wed & Fri have a huge difference. Looks as if i need to take the bike out to re-check my estimated distance.

Mon, my feet were lucky enough to step it out in new shoes. Actually, the ones that took 4months to come back from asics! (returned Kayanos and replaced with 2110's)
BUT, the right one has a lump in the heel area. So now i am faced with the embarrasing problem of being a 'pain in the ass customer' and will have to return them.
Luckily my other pair isn't that old so they should last the possible 4month wait.

Next weeks plan will be - Mon run, Tues bike, Wed run (hopefully with k), Thurs- Op. Fri, sat, sun rest. Will contemplate ex bike on mon. See how i feel.

Oh, Sun, i would really like to watch the start of the MM. 8am start means no sleep in though. $#%!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sun 17 - 23 Sept. 17km week

Sun - 64mins Ex Bike (was on phone for 30mins)
Mon - 6.5km run (Stoney Pier) 36.36mins. Max 169-88%, Av 158-83%
Tues - 30min Ex Bike
Wed - 4.5km run with K (pelican) Can't remember time
thurs - 30min Ex Bike
Fri - 6km run with K (Nuns Walk) I think around 37mins
Sat - 50min Ex Bike (40mins hard)

Ex Bike always consists of 5min warm up, and 5 min cool down. So for example, 30min would be 5min w/u, then 20hard, then 5 c/d. Follow? ok.
When i ran on Fri, i finally had a familliar nice moment during the run. I guess what i mean is that it felt good. Not struggling as much as the last few runs. Slowly getting back into shape!
Sat morn, i was still on a high and was considering running again. Common sense ruled.... luckily.

Tues 12 - 16 Sept

Well, here is my new 'quick' version of my running updates.

Tues - 30min Ex Bike
Wed - 16km Outdoor Bike
Thur - 30min Ex Bike
Fri - 30min Ex bike
Sat - rest.

As you can see, i have tried to get the cardio fitness back up to where it once was, as i needed desperately to do something. My main reason atm is to have better fitness so my recovery is a lot quicker next Thurs.

So i hope i have made your lives easier by planning on doing concise entries from now on. (also cos i don't have enough time to tell of all my thoughts, hehe )

Monday, September 11, 2006

Mon 11 Sept, Stoney Pier - 6.5km

As i sit here and recall my first run in nearly 2 weeks, i shudder to even contemplate the next.
I have been making so many excuses these past weeks, and the last few were based on the fact that it had been so long!
I almost did it again today, but that great sunny weather grabbed hold of me and dragged me out the door.
Singlet on and shorts, ipod on random, and ice gel on shins. I was off. And in no hurry either. Plodding pace today.
After 10mins or so, i noticed the breathing was not that fantastic. For the pace i was doing, the cardio was shocking. I really noticed a drop in my fitness due to the 2 week hybernation. I was running slower than my slow run days, yet my HR was higher than a short fast run! So i kept telling myself that it can only get better after today.
I never really found my rhythm, but i think that was due to the snails pace i was doing.
I didn't push at all (cos i plan on running wed) and i think i will be sensible about easing back into it this time. No injuries thanks!
K and i will hopefuly run this Fri. Prob be a long 5-6km run as we will both be coming back from temporary retirement. Lol!

Finished in 37.21mins.
Max HR 169-88%, Av 159-83%

My goal atm is to get cardio back up to where it should be. And if everything runs smoothly, even consider the Echuca Fun run in 10 weeks time.

P.S i will remove the C2S ticker... just as soon as i remember how to do it.

On a more personal note:
I have been enjoying my time with my kids more lately, and i think it is due to having the puter turned off. Those little 5min gaps that get you down on the floor playing with them before you have to cook dinner etc. I have been less stressed and even had time to tidy my house! (shock horror!)
So my new plan of attack is to blog once a week, at the latest, and stick to the less regimented running program.
I want to enjoy running, but mostly, i want to keep enjoying my little girls. :-)