Crissy's Running

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wed, 28 June- Speed 4km+-

Yer, yer, yer.
This is what i did:
13.30min warm up jog.
4 x 30m knee lift
4 x 30m heel to bum
2 x 30m stupid sideways step
4 x 60m Strides
Then supposed to do 5 x 2 laps, recovery walk half lap, then slow jog half.
Actually done:
1st rep: 3.33mins.
2nd rep: 3.41mins.
3rd rep: did one lap and then went home.
Wasn't the best conditions to be running in. i was a bit cold and windy, but more so, the reps played on my mind and the blister on my foot. (the thing moved around while i was running)
I don't really have an excuse for todays shithouse effort. But believe me.. i am mighty pissed off. And if you feel like telling me off... well right now, i couldn't give a crap.


  • At 4:16 pm, Blogger Stu Mac said…

    Crissy, agreed it was cold & windy today, but!!!

    IMHO this session is easier than the ladder session, the ladder session if faster and less break, I'm not sure why you struggle with this particular one, being short of 800m.

    I would class reps of 800s to be up there with 1000m reps as my favorite and most beneficial.

    Qu: Is the bike work making any difference?? Or does it take away from your rep session which is the second most important session of the week, only the LR being more important taking in your goal of CS2.

    I'm not going to rant, they are your sessions and only you will gain the benefits from them! Your running is going well and this would have been a good opportunity for you to succeed in this session.


  • At 10:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    At the end of the day, you were still out there doing something. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

  • At 9:05 am, Blogger Peahen said…

    First of all, YAY to Stu for not ranting MUCH.

    Second, I'm with Steve. At least you got out there. A crap run is better than no run at all.

    Third, we all have crap runs. It happens. The best thing for you to do now would be to forget it, put it out of your head and move on. Don't take negative thoughts from this run into your next session.


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