Crissy's Running

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sat 5 Aug, Long- Mornington 7km+-

Pic is the gorgeous Mornington Park. Standing where we stretched.

Oh dear... ever had one of those days that you know you would have been better off staying at home?! Hmm... today was turning out to be just that.
Apart from the fact my head was slightly sore from a little drink last night, my body just did not want me to run today.
K and I arrived at Mornington Park around 1pm. We were excited about using her new watch. GPS. Yeah baby, we were feeling pretty swish.
That bubble soon burst once the woman was ready to stomp on the thing 'cos it just would not stop beeping!!
After half an hour or so, it was thrown in the car and we headed out.
The plan was to run for 60mins at an easy pace. My hip was annoying me from the start. It was quite uncomfortable. K also mentioned that she was having some probs too. We stopped at one of the look outs (approx 23mins) to have a good stretch. After we both finished grizzling, we decided to shorten the run and head back from there. No point in beckoning an injury (if that's what it was).
As soon as I took that first stride, it was awful. Felt very stiff. Decision made....appt to be made with Fred for Tues.(fingers crossed)
The pain slowly eased after a few mins and was back to the stable point of being a niggle.
There weren't many moments were the pace was increased, and if it was, it was ever so slight.
I have to mention that K did a great job with her consistent pace when she was leading.

Finished in 45.14mins
Max HR 161-84%, Av 147-77%

Hooray for '2'!!!! She finally did a poo!!!! in the big loo!!!
Then we got to wave goodbye. LOL


  • At 10:02 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    Best of luck in the City to Surf. I'd
    love to run that myself one day soon.
    I remember watching the crowds years
    ago when i lived there.


  • At 6:10 pm, Blogger Peahen said…

    Yep, it was a shocker for us both. I really enjoyed it once I got rid of the stitch from hell though. Anyway beats doing nothing LOL.......A tick in the box PMSL.


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