Crissy's Running

Saturday, June 10, 2006

No run, just baking.

No exercise today. Felt quite strange to have a day off actually.
Had a bit of organising to do for my eldest's birthday. Now, I am far from a chef but for some ridiculous reason I got it in my mind that I would scratch bake a cake that '4' picked out of the women's weekly cookbook. A swimming pool! Supposedly one of the easier ones to make. Well.... I had problems from the word go. But, I wont bore you with the details. The only thing on my side is that my girls are still quite young so they shouldn't see it the way I do. Hopefully they just see all the pretty colours.
We will be doing the 'happy birthday' thing around lunch time. Hopefully by bed time the sugar should be all burnt out of their systems! OMG, it is not going to be pretty at bed time tmw. Anyway, I am sure they will have loads of fun.
I plan on running tmw arvo. Not sure where yet.
As for this little verse, it popped into my head just as I turned my computer on, and as you can see I am far from being a poet too. But hey, this is my blog and I will waffle if I want to!

I sit here fingers blackened, from the colour of the dyes,
Molding, mixing and baking until almost the stroke of midnight.
The photo is quite pretty in this handy little book,
But only now do I realize that it was made by somewhat of a cook.

How naive of me to think that I too could bake so well!
Some limits there are in life, and hey, I reached mine tonight I tell.
Little angels lay so still, with beautiful dreams floating through their minds,
A tender kiss on the forehead rouses one, and she queries mummy, “is it day time?”

Gently covering their bodies with warming quilts and teddies by their side,
I stand there gazing upon them, wondering how amazing it is, this thing called life.
These perfect little beings, with perfect fingers and perfect toes,
Their rounded tummies and rosy cheeks, that when they smile, light up and glow.

Presents wrapped and candles placed beside this ‘special’ cake
Time to lay my weary head down and sleep before they wake.
Fingers rubbing softly and pushing open my bedroom door,Voices whisper in my ear, “mummy today I am four!”


  • At 5:26 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    WOW! - A cook and a poet! Awesome work


  • At 7:55 am, Blogger Stu Mac said…

    Rest day, I think you were due. Enjoy the long run tmw, as the run is shorter than the previous couple of week I would go slightly faster in the final 20 minutes.

    I'll send you your next program either today or tomorrow. If you don't get today, make tmw:

    Tempo run - 8km course from home, run 20 min @ slightly faster than HM pace then pick up pace for 10 min to 10k pace then slow to HM pace for final part. Stretch!

    Thanks for your PM.

  • At 9:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The cake looks great Crissy!

    Loved the poem, gave me goosebumps. Anyway will be seeing you & the girls soon, best I get off my arse & get dressed. LOL


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