Crissy's Running

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mothers Day Classic - Melb 4km

Alarm went off at 4.30am. Really wanted to push the snooze button. But Karina would arrive around 5am. Had my shower to wake myself up. Got dressed, did the very difficult ponnies with pink ribbon and waited for K to arrive. We left my place around 5.15am. Arrived around 6.30am at Gosh's Padock. We were extremely early! Oh well. we ammused ourselves fixing hair, going back to the car several times, buying merchandise etc. Met up with ausrunners around 8am. Finally got to meet some of the clan. Ejm, Michelle, Marty and family, Jaykay, Beki & Hm (sorry, can't remember your name), CjW and of course Stui, who ended up being chief commander of baggage. (Thanks again) And we all know that you really did enjoy carrying that AstroBoy bag!
After cathching up with everyone, K and i headed to the start of the 4km run. Heaps of people. We squeezed into the crowd prob 2/3ds of the way down. and before we knew it the gun went off. But hey, you wouldn't have thought we were in a fun run..... 'cos no one was bloody moving! After 30secs or so we started walking with the crowd. Kept walking/very slow jogging for approx 200metres. The congestion was amazing. 17,000 people entered. so i suppose it wasn't too bad. Anyway, we plodded up Anderson St, which to my amazement wasn't as big as last year. Hmmm.
We jogged for the best part of 3km's then finally got to stretch the legs for the last k. Karina was doing some great breathing through the nose. We did a lot of zig-zagging and almost used our elbows at some stages. We could see the finish line, then K was off. Almost took out a marshall just before the finish line. All i could see were her pink ponnies bobbing around. lol.
Hr 95% (181), av 85% (162)
We finished after 23.48mins (my watch). Although there were crap loads of runners, we had a great time and i think it was a great run for K to have as her Maiden voyage. She did a great job and i was very happy to have joined her for it.
We then went approx 100metres before finish to cheer on the 8kers. Stu, K and i screaming from the side line. was heaps of fun.
Once everyone had finished, we then collected our goodies bag and met up again to drink champa's. Had an absolute ball of a day. Although i think K and i may have scared Marty with our boisterous behaviour. I think he thought we were drunk lol. One day he will realise that we are always that noisy/crazy etc.

Around 11ish we headed back to Boogsville, picked up M and went for lunch at a cafe. Little more drinking, then i was removed and taken home. (no-one wanted to play) lol
Anyway, had a fantastic day, and perhaps next year, K and i will do the 8k run with the rest of the ausrunners.


  • At 5:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh we had such a great time didn't we. So exciting to meet the girls finally. Thank you so much for running with me C, I am sure there were times you could have taken off and left me but you didn't. Sorry I took off at the end, you know what I am like by now though. Also sorry I couldn't party on with you but I missed A so much and was aching to see her. So which run are we doing next?

  • At 7:30 pm, Blogger Em said…

    Well done - you guys are so doing the 8Km next year, you only get one go at the 4Km ;-)

    Great to meet you and K, would have loved to hang out for champers but my best buddy and I don't get many chances to gasbag over breakkie in a cafe these days (she has 2 kiddies, 3 and 18 months)& we had been looking forward to it for weeks.

    K should be very proud of her time, I did the 4Km last year as my 1st fun run and it took me 26 minutes!

  • At 9:29 pm, Blogger Stu Mac said…

    Great pic Crissy and as you discovered the BIG fun runs are about the event and generally not about your time, esp in the 4k event.

    The Sri Chinmoy at Willi would be another good one for you, either the 10k or a fast 4k...

    Great to catch up with you and the rest of the Clan.


  • At 8:23 am, Blogger Sekhmet said…

    Great report Crissy and fantastic to finally meet you and K :) I can't wait for the girls night out on the town - excellent!!!

    And I fully expect the both of you to be running the 8km next year - it's going to be an Ausrun tradition from now on ;)

  • At 5:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.


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